Android MediaPlayer.prepare throws status=0x1 error(1, -2147483648)

Question: I have a weird error message and can’t find solution. Project: Android with Eclipse IDE and Android SDK, min. API level 10, source code is attached. Problem: I can play none of my downloaded and saved media files from the application’s own data folder (/data/data/com.mypackage/myfile.mp4) by the MediaPlayer class. I double checked the video format. It can be even played when I place it into the /mnt/sdcard/… folder. Android shows a message saying “Cannot Play Video: Sorry, this video cannot be played”. In the log file I can find an error: MediaPlayer error(1, -2147483648) and Prepare failed. status=0x1. What’s the issue? Continue reading Android MediaPlayer.prepare throws status=0x1 error(1, -2147483648)

How to prepare and submit paid application to Android Market? Checklist for programmers

We’ve got some emails from programmers asking for a brief checklist on how to build, debug and submit paid applications to Android Market with Eclipse and Android SDK. On the Android Developers web site we can find several excellent user guides and hints. Herewith we summarize what developers should do. We assume that you have downloaded all the plugins and SDKs. License Verification Library(LVL) package has been integrated into your app. The application is ready to be uploaded to the Android Market to be debugged, tested and published. Continue reading How to prepare and submit paid application to Android Market? Checklist for programmers

The resource is a duplicate of /com/android/vending/.DS_Store error in Eclipse project

Question: In Eclipse, following Google’s advice, I’ve added the source code of Android Market Licensing to my own application project as a linked library project. For a while I am getting a strange warning icon at the library link, exactly at the src/ folder in the Package Explorer. I eliminated all the warnings from the source codes. My project builds without errors and warnings. I opened the Problems window where I found this message: “The resource is a duplicate of path/com/android/vending/.DS_Store and was not copied to the output folder. Unknown Java Problem. Resource: .DS_Store”. Any idea? Hardware: MacBook Pro, OS X 10.6.6, Eclipse version: Helios R2. Continue reading The resource is a duplicate of /com/android/vending/.DS_Store error in Eclipse project

How to pull SQLite file out from Android emulator with Eclipse

Question: I am having an Android project and want to save the SQLite database file I have created in the project. I’d like to use it in another Android and iPhone projects. I googled for it but could not find a simple guide. Where is that file? I can’t find the so called /data/data/package_name/databases folder on my Mac many pros refer to. I am a beginner with Eclipse and Android SDK. Continue reading How to pull SQLite file out from Android emulator with Eclipse

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