How to connect Apple keyboard to Windows 7 laptop?
Question: I’ve had a perfect thin aluminum Apple keyboard for about a year and it’s the best keyboard I’ve ever used. I am having trouble reconnecting it to my Windows 7 laptop. After a cold reboot or a wake up from sleep, the keyboard is not recognized by the operation system. The device driver was successfully installed and pairing went smoothly at the first time.
Answer: The bluetooth driver of Mac keyboard is integral part of the operating system, but Windows 7 often has real trouble reconnecting these wireless keyboards to computers after the successful initial installation.
First of all be sure your keyboard is switched on. If not, turn it on. The light above the power switch should begin to flash. Wait for a while (15-30 seconds) to let these two devices discover each other. That’s all we need usually.
If it is a frequent issue, look at the Power Management. When your keyboard goes to sleep, Windows probably cannot wake it up. Check out your settings: Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Bluetooth Radios -> select your driver -> Properties -> Power Management -> Allow computer to turn off this device to save power should be unchecked. Click on OK.
When you cannot attach a live keyboard to your laptop after a reboot or wake up on the usual way, do the followings:
1. Open Control panel and find the Device and Printers group
2. Right click on your keyboard icon. The icon must be in the Devices group. If it is not there, the installation was not successful.
3. Select Properties and Services tab.
4. Among Bluetooth devices uncheck the Drivers for keyboard, mice, etc. line
5. Click on Apply
6. Check the same line (Drivers for keyboard, mice, etc)
Properties dialog box - Drivers for keyboard, mice, etc is checked.
7. Click on Apply again.
8. Close the Properties dialog box.
With these steps Windows 7 will find your device and reinstall the required bluetooth driver without further hassle.