Category Archives: Android

The resource is a duplicate of /com/android/vending/.DS_Store error in Eclipse project

Question: In Eclipse, following Google’s advice, I’ve added the source code of Android Market Licensing to my own application project as a linked library project. For a while I am getting a strange warning icon at the library link, exactly at the src/ folder in the Package Explorer. I eliminated all the warnings from the source codes. My project builds without errors and warnings. I opened the Problems window where I found this message: “The resource is a duplicate of path/com/android/vending/.DS_Store and was not copied to the output folder. Unknown Java Problem. Resource: .DS_Store”. Any idea? Hardware: MacBook Pro, OS X 10.6.6, Eclipse version: Helios R2. Continue reading The resource is a duplicate of /com/android/vending/.DS_Store error in Eclipse project

How to pull SQLite file out from Android emulator with Eclipse

Question: I am having an Android project and want to save the SQLite database file I have created in the project. I’d like to use it in another Android and iPhone projects. I googled for it but could not find a simple guide. Where is that file? I can’t find the so called /data/data/package_name/databases folder on my Mac many pros refer to. I am a beginner with Eclipse and Android SDK. Continue reading How to pull SQLite file out from Android emulator with Eclipse

‘Error parsing XML: no element found’ message in Eclipse Android project

Question:I have an Android project with Eclipse. When I click on the ‘Run’ toolbar icon, the Eclipse is building a file: main.out.xml and fails to run my app. The error message is: main.out.xml:1: error: Error parsing XML: no element found, or res/layout/main.xml:0: error: Resource entry main is already defined. My code is error free but I can’t build and run it. I can’t figure it out. Continue reading ‘Error parsing XML: no element found’ message in Eclipse Android project

Add SQLite Free Text Search functionality to Java app on Mac

Question: I’d like to pre-build a platform independent SQLite database with Java desktop app. This database file with FTS (Free Text Search) indexes will be embedded into Android and iPhone applications. How can I install an SQLite3 free text search (FTS3) module for my Java desktop application? Somehow this binary, library (or app file) cannot be found on the net. Environment: OS X 10.6, NetBeans IDE, Java Swing desktop app with sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar wrapper. Continue reading Add SQLite Free Text Search functionality to Java app on Mac