In Xcode 4.2, to preset a default location for your project, choose Product -> Edit Scheme – or from the scheme selector in the toolbar find Your project name > Edit Scheme… – and select the Run action. Click the Options tab. Allow Location Simulation and choose one city from the the drop-down list.
While testing your app in the iOS Simulator, you can select Product -> Debug -> Simulate Location from the menu bar and choose any point from the preset locations:

1. Preset a single Location in your Scheme.
2. Choose a Location from the Program -> Debug -> Simulate Location menu (see above), or
3. Choose a Location from the Debug Bar (see below). if you are not running iOS 5.0 or later, these options can’t be used. Switch to iPhone 5.0 Simulator to allow selection:

4. Edit a GPX file and add it to your project to establish single or multiple custom waypoints. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is an xml data format for exchanging GPS data between programs. You can add one or more GPX file to your project. These files look like:
You can edit and add it to your project like any other file(s) or resources:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Xcode">
<wpt lat="37.331705" lon="-122.030237">
<name>Cupertino, USA</name>
For: Munich.GPX:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Xcode">
<wpt lat="48.122101" lon="10.695933">
<name>Munich, Germany</name>