Can’t edit WordPress post in Internet Explorer 8

Problem: In WordPress 2.9 my post editor’s scroll bar and the text bounces almost nonstop. In the Internet Explorer 8.0 it’s getting hard to write a post. WordPress 2.7 just scrolled up when it autosaved, but in 2.9 it is almost constantly moving around. It’s impossible to write posts in WordPress anymore. Please do not say that, I am NOT going to use Safari or Firefox… Annoying, really. Answer: You do not have to switch to Firefox for a work-around. WordPress has a known anomaly in auto save and revisioning service that causes this side-effect in IE8. Let’s see what we can do: 1. Use Internet Explorer in Compability mode, or 2. Download and install Post Control plug-in from here. Disable Auto Save and Revision, or 3. Do it yoursef, but you must be able to modify PHP source code: To disable WordPress AutoSave function by a hard-wire way, find and open in the wp-admin directory the files of post.php, page.php, page-new.php and post-new.php. Find and “comment out” the wp_enqueue_script(‘autosave’); lines like this:
// wp_enqueue_script('autosave');
More elegant way is to write and activate your own Disable Autosave plug-in. You must save it in a separate (for example disable-autosave.php) file and copy it to the “plugins” folder:
Plugin Name: Disable Autosave
Plugin URI:
Description: Disable the Autosave function.

function wds_disable_autosave() {
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'wds_disable_autosave' );
Turn off Revisioning in the wp-config.php file by inserting the following line:
// Turn off Revisions
define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false);
To change Autosave Interval open the “wp-settings.php” file and change the value as it can be seen here:
// Changed from 60 secs to 5 mins
if ( !defined( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL' ) )
    define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 300 );
Notes: If you cannot post from Internet Explorer and have Podpress 8.8+ installed, you may need to deactivate Podpress 8.8 in order to edit and post with this browser.