How to hide the SIP button from the menu

Windows Mobile Question: I need to hide SIP button in my application. I tried out with various forums discussion. Most of them suggested to use SHFullScreen. But it doesnt solve my problem. When I call theses functions in the form load nothing happens. Can SHCreateMenuBar be used in a C# program? Answer: Please note that when the Form.Load event is fired the form is not shown, and when the form is displayed, the Form.Shown event is unavailable (in the .NET Compact Framework). The trick that can be a little more robust, but works fine in our Windows Mobile Professional (PocketPC) and Standard (Smartphone) projects is the following:
private static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName

private static extern IntPtr GetWindow(IntPtr hWnd, uint uCmd);

private static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);


// calling method: set bShow = 0  to hide, and set bShow = 1  to show SIP


IntPtr hSipWindow = FindWindow("MS_SIPBUTTON", "MS_SIPBUTTON");
if (hSipWindow != IntPtr.Zero)
    IntPtr hSipButton = GetWindow(hSipWindow, 5);
    if (hSipButton != IntPtr.Zero)
        ShowWindow(hSipButton, bShow);
Do not forget to set your SIP visible on closing your app. Platform: Windows Mobile 6.0+, .NETCF 3.5