Category Archives: Xcode

Trace EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception in iPhone app with Xcode 4

Question: Recently I upgraded my universal iPhone project to Xcode 4 and ran immediately into an EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception in my application when running on an iPad. My code runs without errors on iPhone. I don’t know where it has come from and how to find the source code line in error. My app quits without saying anything and the debugger jumps to the main.m module. Console messages do not help either. Continue reading Trace EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception in iPhone app with Xcode 4

Xcode 4 build gcc-4.2 error, execvp: No such file or directory error

Question: After downgrading from Xcode 4.2 beta to Xcode SDK 4.02 I am facing new error messages: – “gcc-4.2: error trying to exec ‘/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1’: execvp: No such file or directory”, and – “Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 255”. What’s is this for and what to do now? Continue reading Xcode 4 build gcc-4.2 error, execvp: No such file or directory error